Taner Edis

Being identified as an atheist

I’m not always comfortable being publicly identified as an atheist. The label is accurate enough; I don’t think that any God or other supernatural entities exist. But the word “atheist” has other connotations as well, and I don’t always want to take them on board or fight against them. For example, in a piece in Being identified as an atheist

Changing minds

A student I ran into recently told me that I, along with his roommate, was the reason he became an atheist. Apparently when in a questioning period, he went to a panel discussion on campus where I represented a godless infidel perspective, and this helped tip the balance. Now, I don’t want to exaggerate my Changing minds

“Supertheory of Supereverything”

It’s not exactly new, but I just ran into Gogol Bordello’s song “Supertheory of Supereverything.” Enjoy it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOWx5G76pkU Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)


Well, I’m still here. It also occurs to me that I would have very little opportunity for direct evidence of the Rapture a day after the promised date. I don’t have many friends or colleagues who would be good candidates for being taken up in the air. Maybe if I were to go down to Unraptured

New Chick Tracts

Just in time for the impending rapture: And here’s an anti-Masonic rant, just as in the good old days: Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

America’s Clairvoyant Founders

All too often, I succumb to the temptation to think that America’s Founding Fathers (peace be upon them) were merely human. I entertain heretical thoughts, such as our Holy Constitution being a superannuated eighteenth century relic. In my darkness of unbelief, I imagine that important parts of the Holy Constitution are structurally antidemocratic, and I America’s Clairvoyant Founders

What is wrong with Sam Harris

I regularly gripe about Sam Harris here. When I’ve had more lengthy pieces to write, I’ve written against his ignorant approach to Islam, and expressed ambivalence about those aspects of the “New Atheism” associated with Harris. But if I’m going to keep griping, it might not be a bad idea to rehash specifically why I What is wrong with Sam Harris

Lears reviews Harris

Historian Jackson Lears has a damning review of all Sam Harris’s books in The Nation magazine: “Same Old New Atheism: On Sam Harris.” It’s not a perfect takedown. Lears can’t resist reaching into the liberal religious apologetic bag of tricks (oh, he’s not addressing real religion, which is the more sophisticated and more experiential stuff), Lears reviews Harris