A DOZEN LIES FROM TRUMP – Part 5: Harris’ Identity

Washington (CNN) — 

Former President Donald Trump is littering his public remarks with fictional stories.

This isn’t run-of-the-mill political spin, the kind of statistic-twisting and accomplishment-exaggerating that political candidates of all stripes engage in. Rather, the Republican presidential nominee is telling colorful lies that are completely untethered to reality.


Harris’ identity

Trump claimed at a convention of Black journalists in late July that Harris used to “only” promote her Indian heritage, then “all of a sudden” made a “turn” and “became a Black person.” Defending the claim, Trump reiterated at the September debate that Harris had “put out” at some point that “she was not Black.”

None of that is true.

Harris – who was raised in a Black community and graduated from a historically Black university – has embraced her Black identity since her youth. While she has also fondly discussed her South Asian heritage, she never “put out” that she wasn’t Black.


As with LIE #4 in the previous post, every statement by Trump on this issue is a LIE.

  • It is a LIE that Harris used to only promote her Indian heritage.
  • It is a LIE that Harris all of a sudden presented herself as a Black person.
  • It is a LIE that Harris had previously claimed she was not Black.

I believe that Trump is an IDIOT, but he is not so stupid as to believe all three of these false claims when the evidence clearly shows that all three of these claims are FALSE.

So, then why does Trump spew these insulting LIES about Harris? Trump does not care whether his statements are true or false. The only thing Trump cares about is money and power, and he will say ANYTHING in order to deceive millions of gullible Americans into voting for him. Trump is a SOCIOPATH, so he has no interest whatsoever in truth or honesty.

Because Trump is a SOCIOPATH, he is the last person on this planet who should be the leader of the United States of America.