A DOZEN LIES FROM TRUMP – Part 2: Harris’ CNN Interview

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Former President Donald Trump is littering his public remarks with fictional stories.

This isn’t run-of-the-mill political spin, the kind of statistic-twisting and accomplishment-exaggerating that political candidates of all stripes engage in. Rather, the Republican presidential nominee is telling colorful lies that are completely untethered to reality.


Here is recent LIE #2 from Donald Trump:

Trump claimed during a Fox News event in Pennsylvania in early September that Harris “had notes” to assist her during the television interview she did with CNN in late August. He even performed an impression in which he portrayed Harris supposedly looking down at these notes.

She didn’t actually have any notes.


Here is a quote from a Fact Check on this bogus claim:

FACTS FIRSTTrump’s claims are false. Harris did not use notes during the CNN interview. Photos and videos of the interview make clear that the only notes on the table belonged to Bash, as CNN staffers who were present confirmAnd CNN did not inform Harris of any questions in advance; a CNN spokesperson called Trump’s claim that Harris had prior knowledge of the questions “categorically false.”


There are photos and video and statements by people who were present during this interview that clearly demonstrate that Harris did NOT have notes and was NOT looking at notes during the interview. Trump just makes shit up and constantly LIES about Harris in order to deceive gullible Americans to vote for him.

Donald Trump is incapable of talking for more than a minute without spewing self-serving LIES about himself, about our country, and about his political opponents. This indicates that Trump is a SOCIOPATH, and that he is the last person on earth who should be the leader of the United States of America.

Here are some common symptoms that indicate a person is a SOCIOPATH:

  • Lack of empathy for others
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Attempting to control others with threats or aggression
  • Using intelligence, charm, or charisma to manipulate others
  • Not learning from mistakes or punishment
  • Lying for personal gain
  • Showing a tendency toward physical violence and fights
  • Generally superficial relationships
  • Sometimes, stealing or committing other crimes


Lying for personal gain is one of the symptoms, and since Trump is constantly lying for personal gain, this is clearly an indication that Trump is a SOCIOPATH. Furthermore, Trump’s behavior clearly satisfies almost all of these symptoms. It is unbelievable to me that millions of American voters are seriously thinking about voting for a person who is clearly a SOCIOPATH to be the leader of our country.