In the 2016 Election, nearly 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump. While nearly 66 million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton, Trump won the election, because he received 306 electoral college votes, while Hillary Clinton received 232 electoral college votes.[1][2]

My thinking, in response to that election, goes like this:

1. Anyone who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 was a SHITHEAD.

2. Nearly 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2016.


3. At least 63 million Americans who voted in the 2016 Presidential election were SHITHEADS.

Furthermore, about 230.6 million Americans were eligible to vote for President in 2016, but only about 136.7 million Americans did vote for President. [3] That means that about 93.9 million Americans were eligible to vote for President but did NOT vote for President. Any such person was a SHITHEAD. So, the number Americans who were SHITHEADS in 2016 is much greater than just 63 million:

1. Anyone who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 was a SHITHEAD.

2. Nearly 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2016.

3. Anyone who could have voted for President in 2016 but did NOT vote for President in 2016 was a SHITHEAD.

4. Nearly 94 million Americans who could have voted for President in 2016 did NOT vote for President in 2016.


5. At least 157 million Americans who were eligible to vote in the 2016 Presidential election were SHITHEADS.

Since about 230.6 million Americans were eligible to vote for President in 2016, and since at least 157 million of those Americans were SHITHEADS, that means that at least 68% of Americans who were eligible to vote for President in 2016 were SHITHEADS.

That is a VERY DEPRESSING conclusion. However, it would be unreasonable to assume that nobody who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 was a SHITHEAD. So, the figure of 157 million SHITHEADS among Americans who were eligible to vote for President in 2016 is clearly an UNDERESTIMATE of the total number of SHITHEADS in that group.

I’m not sure how to estimate the number of people who voted for Hillary Clinton were SHITHEADS. One rough guide would be to determine the percentage of Democrats/Democrat-Leaning people who were SHITHEADS back in 2016. My guess would be that at least 20% of Democrats/Democrat-Leaning people were SHITHEADS and that less than 50% of Democrats/Democrat-Leaning people were SHITHEADS.*

But that is just my own subjective guess. Since this is just a guess, let’s go with my most conservative estimate: 20% of Democrats/Democrat-Leaning people in 2016 were SHITHEADS. In that case, roughly 20% of the people who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 were SHITHEADS. Since 66 million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 [1][2], that would add another 13.2 million SHITHEADS to the total number of SHITHEADS among Americans who were eligible to vote for President in 2016:

63 million American SHITHEADS (Trump voters in 2016)

+ 94 million American SHITHEADS (who were eligible but did NOT vote for President)

+ 13 million American SHITHEADS (among Clinton voters in 2016)

= 170 million American SHITHEADS (among those who were eligible to vote in 2016)

Thus, a conservative estimate is that 170 million SHITHEADS/230.6 million Americans eligible to vote = 73.7%, so at least 74% of Americans who were eligible to vote in 2016 were SHITHEADS. Thus, my conservative estimate is this:

It is difficult to maintain a strong belief in DEMOCRACY when you live in a country that is filled with MILLIONS of SHITHEADS.

The 2020 Election results are not particularly encouraging on this point.

74.2 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2020. [4][5]

81.3 million Americans voted for Joe Biden in 2020. [4][5]

There were 239.9 million Americans who were eligible to vote in the 2020 Presidential election, and 158.4 million Americans voted for President in the 2020 election.[5] Thus, 81.5 million Americans who were eligible to vote for President in the 2020 Presidential election did NOT vote for President.

1a. Anyone who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 was a SHITHEAD.

2a. More than 74 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

3a. Anyone who could have voted for President in 2020 but did NOT vote for President in 2020 was a SHITHEAD.

4a. More than 81 million Americans who could have voted for President in 2020 did NOT vote for President in 2020.


5a. About 155 million Americans who were eligible to vote in the 2020 Presidential election were SHITHEADS (not including any SHITHEADS from among Americans who voted for Joe Biden).

If we again make the conservative estimate that at least 20% of the Americans who voted for Biden in 2020 were SHITHEADS, then that would mean that there were at least an additional 16.3 million SHITHEADS (among Biden voters).

74 million American SHITHEADS (Trump voters in 2020)

+ 81 million American SHITHEADS (who were eligible but did NOT vote for President)

+ 16 million American SHITHEADS (among Biden voters)

= 171 million American SHITHEADS (TOTAL among Americans who were eligible to vote)

Thus, a conservative estimate of the total number of Americans who were eligible to vote in the 2020 Presidential election who were SHITHEADS is 171 million. Since there were about 239.8 million Americans who were eligible to vote in the 2020 Presidential election, at least 71% of Americans who were eligible to vote in the 2020 Presidential election were SHITHEADS:


This is all very depressing, but I think these are facts that reasonable and intelligent people must face and acknowledge.

Obviously, the term “SHITHEAD” is a vague and unclear term. Does it mean “very stupid” or “very ignorant”? Or does it mean “both stupid and ignorant”? Or “either very stupid or very ignorant”? Or does it have to do with uncritical thinking, gullibility, and/or groupthink?

Obviously, some (probably a small percentage of) Trump supporters are well-educated and articulate. So, in what sense can a well-educated and articulate person be a SHITHEAD? People who are stupid have a difficult time becoming well-educated, while people who are intelligent have a much easier time becoming well-educated. People who are not well-educated tend to be ignorant, and people who are ignorant have a difficult time becoming well-educated and tend to not be interested in becoming well-educated. So, one would think that well-educated people tend to be intelligent and well-informed. Are educated Trump supporters nevertheless very stupid or very ignorant? The fact that some well-educated people are devout Christian believers suggests to me that some well-educated people are in fact very stupid or very ignorant, at least concerning religious beliefs.

Most importantly:

Is there any hope of significantly reducing the number of SHITHEADS in our country?

The COVID Pandemic seemed to offer hope that millions of SHITHEADS would die as a result of their being SHITHEADS, but (sadly) the COVID Pandemic only put a small dent in the population of SHITHEADS in America.


  1. https://www.cnn.com/election/2016/results/president
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/elections/2016/results/president
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election
  4. https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/president
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/results-president.html
  6. https://www.electproject.org/2020g


* My own subjective guess as to the percentage of Democrats/Democrat-Leaning people in 2016 who were SHITHEADS was that at least 20% and at most 50% were SHITHEADS. After publishing the above post, I did a quick bit of research and found some relevant information on this question.

Pew Research Center did a study on “New Age” beliefs in 2017 (about one year after the 2016 election), and I know that such beliefs are fairly popular among Democrats. The facts from the Pew Research Center survey confirm this belief as well as showing that my estimate that at least 20% of Democrats/Democrat-Leaning people are SHITHEADS was INDEED a conservative estimate:

People who accept these idiotic New Age beliefs are SHITHEADS, so this data indicates that about 67% of Democrats/Democratic Leaning people were SHITHEADS in 2017. Based on this factual data, I would now estimate that between 40% and 70% of Americans who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 were SHITHEADS. Therefore, my subjective guess that at least 20% of such voters were SHITHEADS was indeed a very conservative estimate.

Let’s re-calculate based on my revised conservative estimate that at least 40% of Hillary Clinton voters in 2016 were SHITHEADS:

1. Anyone who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 was a SHITHEAD.

2. Nearly 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2016.

3. Anyone who could have voted for President in 2016 but did NOT vote for President in 2016 was a SHITHEAD.

4. Nearly 94 million Americans who could have voted for President in 2016 did NOT vote for President in 2016.

6. At least 40% of Hillary Clinton voters in 2016 were SHITHEADS.

7. About 66 million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.


8. At least 183 million Americans who were eligible to vote in 2016 were SHITHEADS.

Thus, a conservative estimate is that 183 million SHITHEADS/230.6 million Americans eligible to vote = 79.4% or about 80% of Americans who were eligible to vote in 2016 were SHITHEADS. So, my revised conservative estimate is this:

Let’s re-calculate about the 2020 election, based on a revised conservative estimate that at least 40% of the Biden voters in 2020 were SHITHEADS:

1a. Anyone who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 was a SHITHEAD.

2a. More than 74 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2020.

3a. Anyone who could have voted for President in 2020 but did NOT vote for President in 2020 was a SHITHEAD.

4a. More than 81 million Americans who could have voted for President in 2020 did NOT vote for President in 2020.

6a. At least 40% of Joe Biden voters in 2020 were SHITHEADS.

7a. About 81.3 million Americans voted for Joe Biden in 2020.


8a. At least 188 million Americans who were eligible to vote in 2020 were SHITHEADS.

Since 239.8 million Americans were eligible to vote in the 2020 Presidential election, and at least 188 million of those Americans were SHITHEADS, we may conclude that: