Month: July 2023

No, Jesus Did Not Believe in the Inerrancy of the Bible

Previously: (Part 1) The Philosophy of History: Professor Bart Ehrman’s New Course Comparing and Contrasting The Apostle Paul With The Historical Jesus (Part 2) The Philosophy of History: Professor Bart Ehrman’s New Course Comparing and Contrasting The Apostle Paul With The Historical Jesus (Part 3) The Philosophy of History: Professor Bart Ehrman’s New Course Comparing No, Jesus Did Not Believe in the Inerrancy of the Bible

The Complete FAILURE of Peter Kreeft’s Case for the Resurrection – LINKS

I also wrote a series of posts defending the Hallucination Theory against the objections raised by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli (in Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics) over on my own blog (because The Secular Outpost was shut down and The Secular Frontier had not yet been set up): Defending the Hallucination The Complete FAILURE of Peter Kreeft’s Case for the Resurrection – LINKS

Objective Morality

One thing I run into a lot is theists asking if secularists don’t have God to stamp his authority on things being right and wrong, isn’t morality just whatever strikes your fancy, like Roman spectators cheering christians being fed to the lions, or cultural cannibalism, or Palestinians celebrating 9/11? This issue is resolved somewhat when Objective Morality

Careful Argument Analysis of Objections to the Hallucination Theory.

In Chapter 8 of the Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA), Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli attempt to prove that God raised Jesus from the dead. They claim that there are only four skeptical theories that are alternatives to the Christian view: Based on that assumption they attempt to refute each of these skeptical theories Careful Argument Analysis of Objections to the Hallucination Theory.