Month: February 2023

By Virtue Of The Absurd (2/2)

Paul’s conversion is one of the great testimonies to the faith in Christian history.  The arch persecutor of Christians becomes their leading proselytizer and advocate.  Is he not what former atheist Lee Strobel was to the evangelicals? If something about Paul’s conversion story doesn’t smell right, you may be on to something.  For instance, Paul By Virtue Of The Absurd (2/2)

Augustine vs Nahm: Soul Survival?

Michael Nahm“A Guardian Angel Gone Astray: How Not to Engage in Scientific Debates” Keith AugustineAnswering More of the Same: A Reply to Nahm A really interesting journal exchange has been published between Augustine and Nahm regarding the life after death debate.  The journal issue is here: Here are some of the topics: I think Augustine vs Nahm: Soul Survival?

By Virtue Of The Absurd

So, in recent posts I’ve been talking a bit about the turning points of Mark and John as the events causing Jesus’s arrest: the temple tantrum in Mark and the raising of Lazarus in John.  We looked at the absurdity of the temple tantrum story.  Also, we began to think about the absurdity of the By Virtue Of The Absurd

(2/2) What Is A Gospel?  Investigations Into The Gospel Of John – LINE OF ARGUMENT

So, briefly, the previous post took up the question of what are we to make of Jesus’s temple tantrum being the reason for his arrest in Mark, while in John the arrest is because of Jesus’s raising of Lazarus? Cleary, if Jesus was threatening the temple, this would be a reason for the Romans to (2/2) What Is A Gospel?  Investigations Into The Gospel Of John – LINE OF ARGUMENT

Evolution: No Adam?  No problem

One common argument among atheists is that since evolution is a fact, there was no Adam to be responsible for original sin, and so Christ as a savior paying the sin debt is unnecessary.  This is based on the commonplace conservative penal substitution interpretation of the cross (as opposed to the moral influence theory), and Evolution: No Adam?  No problem