Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 1: List of Key Points


1. Nobody KNOWS that supernatural beings exist.

2. Nobody KNOWS that supernatural events occur.

3. Nobody KNOWS that God exists.

4. Nobody KNOWS that miracles occur.

5. Nobody KNOWS that Jesus existed.

6. Nobody KNOWS that Jesus died on the cross.

7. Nobody KNOWS that Jesus was alive on Easter morning.

8. Nobody KNOWS that Jesus rose from the dead.

9. Nobody KNOWS that God raised Jesus from the dead.


10. It is IMPROBABLE that any supernatural being exists.

11. It is IMPROBABLE that any supernatural events occur.

12. It is IMPROBABLE that God exists.

13. It is IMPROBABLE that miracles occur.

14. There is a SIGNIFICANT PROBABILITY that Jesus did not exist.

15. IF Jesus did not exist, THEN it is CERTAIN that Jesus did not die on the cross, and did not rise from the dead.

16. IF Jesus existed and Jesus died on the cross, THEN it is IMPROBABLE that Jesus was alive on Easter morning.

17. IF Jesus existed and was alive on Easter morning, THEN it is IMPROBABLE that Jesus died on the cross.

18. IF God does not exist, THEN it is CERTAIN that the claim that “God raised Jesus from the dead” is a FALSE claim.

19. IF God does exist, THEN it is IMPROBABLE that God raised Jesus from the dead.

20. It is  IMPROBABLE that God raised Jesus from the dead (based on 12, 18, and 19).