Month: November 2017

Act now to protect Net Neutrality

The repeal of net neutrality rules potentially threatens your ability to access content you want (including this site). Call your member of congress: 202-224-3121

Taking Atheism Ignorantly

Here is something that appeared recently in an article by one Michael Egnor on a site called “Evolution News.” He advocates taking atheism seriously. If you look closely you will see that the article has nothing directly to do with evolution. This really is not surprising since, despite its name, “Evolution News” is not a Taking Atheism Ignorantly

Feser’s Case for God – Part 5: Potential Attributes vs. Contingent Attributes

POTENTIAL ATTRIBUTES VS. CONTINGENT ATTRIBUTES I think (i.e. strongly suspect) it is important to understand the relationship between Edward Feser’s concept of the potential attributes of X and logical possibility.  Feser does not provide clarification on this point, at least not in Chapter 1 of his book Five Proofs of the Existence of God (hereafter: Feser’s Case for God – Part 5: Potential Attributes vs. Contingent Attributes

Stand by Your Moore (Roy, that is)

Roy Moore’s supporters are standing by their man, despite highly plausible claims of sexual impropriety with girls in their early teens. Damn liberals! Roy is a good ol’ boy! He was just tryin’ to put a little fun in his fundamentalism. Question: How often did the famously homophobic Moore condemn gays because they allegedly target Stand by Your Moore (Roy, that is)

Feser’s Case for God – Part 3: Actualization of Potential

FESER TAKES OWNERSHIP OF THE FIVE ARGUMENTS In Five Proofs of the Existence of God (hereafter: FPEG), Edward Feser presents five “proofs” or arguments, each of which was inspired by an historical philosopher (or two).  However,  Feser takes full ownership of these five arguments, so that none of these arguments is put forward as merely Feser’s Case for God – Part 3: Actualization of Potential