Link: “Slavery, Southern Conservatism, and Darwinian Natural Right” by Larry Arnhart
“Some of the opponents of Darwinian moral naturalism insist that morality requires a transcendent source in religious belief. But in this debate over slavery, we see that such religious belief–at least as coming from Biblical revelation–does not provide us reliable moral guidance. Cobb was able to show that the Bible–both the Old Testament and the … Link: “Slavery, Southern Conservatism, and Darwinian Natural Right” by Larry Arnhart
Hinman’s Replies to My Objections to ABEAN and REMEC
I. HINMAN’S REPLIES TO MY OBJECTIONS TO ABEAN A. POSTS IN THIS DEBATE THAT DISCUSS ABEAN: Joe Hinman’s ABEAN Argument for God My Criticism of Hinman’s ABEAN Argument for God Joe Hinman’s Responses to My Criticism of His ABEAN Argument B. MY MAIN OBJECTION: ABEAN IS VERY UNCLEAR My contention is not … Hinman’s Replies to My Objections to ABEAN and REMEC
Does “Science” Make Theism Likelier than Atheism?
Victor Reppert recently linked to an article on the blog Saints and Sceptics (S&S), “Why Science Makes Theism Likelier than Atheism.” In this blog post, I’m going to critically assess that article. 1. What is the Evidence to be Explained? S&S begin their article as follows: Should we view the order of the universe, and our ability … Does “Science” Make Theism Likelier than Atheism?
Does Atheism Undercut the Case for Equal Human Rights?
Philosopher Victor Reppert thinks so. I’m not certain, but I think his argument for this claim is supposed to be found in an earlier post of his. At the same time, Reppert, like the overwhelming majority of theists who write about such topics, completely glosses over what atheist intellectuals who specialize in the topic have … Does Atheism Undercut the Case for Equal Human Rights?
Latest from Paul Draper: “Atheism and Agnosticism” for SEP
Here’s a topic which generates no disagreement at all: how to define the words “atheism” and “agnosticism.” LINK I am honored to have been listed in the acknowledgments. ETA: Comments on this post will be heavily moderated. My goal in having a comments box on this post, as with all posts, is to have informative … Latest from Paul Draper: “Atheism and Agnosticism” for SEP