Month: April 2015

The Evolution of God

From The Onion. Very Funny.,35755/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview%3ANA%3AInFocus Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Christian Pastor Dollar (yes, that’s his last name) Asks for $60M for Private Jet

When I first heard about this, I thought, “This must be a joke. People can’t be that stupid.” I was wrong. LINK I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this guy’s views are not representative of mainstream Christianity. Aside: apparently Pastor Dollar has anger management issues. Your name Your email Subject Your Christian Pastor Dollar (yes, that’s his last name) Asks for $60M for Private Jet

Guest Post by Cavin on Cavin, McGrew, and the Twin Theory

Greg Cavin asked me to post on his behalf the attached PDF file concerning Timothy McGrew’s claim (that Cavin allegedly requires no mention of the twin theory in his debates on the resurrection because Cavin doesn’t want to be reminded it was once his position). PDF file Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

What is Faith? – Part 3

I said that I was not going to walk slowly through the rest of Chapter 4 of Faith and Reason (FAR), by Richard Swinburne.  But there is a lot going on in the next few paragraphs of Chapter 4, and I find myself wanting to make several comments on them.  So, contrary to my previous What is Faith? – Part 3