Month: February 2015

Swinburne’s Argument from Religious Experience – Part 2

Richard Swinburne’s argument from religious experience (AFR) as given in The Existence of God (2nd ed.- hereafter: EOG) is based on three key epistemological  principles: EXPERIENCE …(in the absence of special considerations), if it seems (epistemically) to a subject that x is present (and has some characteristic), then probably x is present (and has that characteristic)… (EOG, p. 303) Swinburne’s Argument from Religious Experience – Part 2

Critical Thinking is Bigotry

Check Out the American Family Association’s (AFA) online “Anti-Christian Bigotry” map. (Sorry, I can’t provide the link) It has a map of North America listing atheist, humanist, GLBT, and “anti-Christian” (e.g. FFRF) groups. All of these groups are engaged in anti-Christian bigotry according to the AFA. For instance, they say of humanists groups: “Believes critical thinking Critical Thinking is Bigotry

Interview with Prof. Axgrind

I am presenting to the readers of Secular Outpost my exclusive interview with Professor Hugo Axgrind, Professor of Revisionist History and Head of The Center for Medieval Exoneration at the University of St. Torquemada. I am interviewing Prof. Axgrind about his new book A New Edition of the Spanish Inquisition. Parsons: Professor Axgrind, I understand Interview with Prof. Axgrind

ISIS Violence IS Religious

This is from The Atlantic Monthly: It is an excellent rebuttal to those who want to claim that there is no specifically religious violence, and that groups, such as ISIS, are violent for political or economic reasons and only use religion as a cover. A key quote from the essay notes that non-religious factors, ISIS Violence IS Religious

Lessing’s Broad Ditch and Brad’s Lesser Ditch

LESSING’S BROAD DITCH Quotations are from Lessing’s essay “On the Proof of the Spirit and of Power” from Lessing’s Theological Writings (hereafter: LTW), edited by Henry Chadwick. Reports of Miracles are not the same as Direct Observation of Miracles “The problem is that reports of fulfilled prophecies are not fulfilled prophecies; that reports of miracles are not Lessing’s Broad Ditch and Brad’s Lesser Ditch

Jesus on Faith – Part 6

Here is the “Doubting Thomas” story from Chapter 20 of the Gospel of John: 24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 So the other disciples were saying to him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands Jesus on Faith – Part 6

Jonah Goldberg Defends the Christian Record

Right-wing columnist–and now Christian apologist–Jonah Goldberg says that President Obama’s statements about the dark side of Christian history are “horse pucky”: According to Goldberg, the Crusades were defensive wars and the Inquisition was a humanitarian intervention to stop the abuses of secular authorities. He says that the abuses of the medieval Church was due to the fact Jonah Goldberg Defends the Christian Record

Heaven would be Boring as Hell

Here are ten reasons why heaven would be insufferably dull: The upshot seems to be that heaven would be tolerable only if it were a lot more like the present life. In that case, why bother? BTW, I notice that Prof. Jerry L. Walls, a leading evangelical writer on the afterlife, has a new book Heaven would be Boring as Hell