Month: August 2014

Norman Geisler’s Case for the Death of Jesus – Part 4

Part of Geisler’s case for the claim that “Jesus actually died on the cross” is based on the spear-wound story, which is found only in the historically unreliable Fourth gospel. One general reason for doubting the historicity and reliability of the spear-wound story is this: GR3. The Passion narratives of the gospels are historically unreliable Norman Geisler’s Case for the Death of Jesus – Part 4

The End of PoR – Part 1

“The End of PoR” is intentionally ambiguous. It could mean the death or cessation of philosophy of religion, or it could mean the purpose of philosophy of religion. But I will not discuss the purpose of PoR in this particular post. I just have one brief point to make. The death of PoR as a The End of PoR – Part 1

Can Atheism Support Ethical Absolutes? A Reply to Roger Olson

Roger Olson, a fellow Patheos blogger who can be found in the Evangelical channel on Patheos, has recently written a post entitled, “Can Atheism Support Ethical Absolutes? Is Ethics without Absolutes Enough?” In that post, he appeals to what has been called “Karamazov’s Thesis,” which is the claim (attributed to Dostoyevsky), that “If God does not exist, Can Atheism Support Ethical Absolutes? A Reply to Roger Olson

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