Natural Selection in Action?
So that I’m not accused of attacking a strawman, let me say at the outset that I know this guy isn’t representative of most theists. With that said, it continues to amaze me whenever people are this stupid: for some jaw-dropping video on this church, check this another one: What a messed up belief … Natural Selection in Action?
Pastafarianism vs. Theism
At the risk of coming across as “too serious,” “boring,” or even ‘heretical’ among freethinkers, I want to comment on comparisons between pastafarianism (the belief that the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) exists) and theism (the belief that God exists). For those of you who missed it, pastafarianism (P) was originally proposed as a parody of creationism … Pastafarianism vs. Theism
What’s So Great about What’s So Great about Christianity? – Part 2
As we saw in my last post, Dinesh D’Souza’s defense of the “moral laws presume a moral lawgiver” argument fails. In this post I want to comment on what D’Souza has to say about atheist “attempt[s] to meet this challenge” (232). 1.Like many partisan diatribes, D’Souza’s book says nothing about the strongest arguments and objections … What’s So Great about <I>What’s So Great about Christianity?</I> – Part 2
On his Dangerous Idea site, Victor Reppert quotes, apparently approvingly, from St. Augustine’s City of God: “Even after the plain truth has been thoroughly demonstrated, so far as a person is capable of doing, the confirmed skeptic will insist on maintaining belief in his own irrational notions. This is due to either a great blindness, … YOU’RE JUST BEING OBSTINATE. NO, YOU. YOU!!!
What’s So Great about What’s So Great about Christianity?
A few years ago, Dinesh D’Souza wrote a book titled, What’s So Great about Christianity? His book contains numerous arguments for theism and against atheism. Since I mentioned D’Souza’s version of a moral argument for theism in my last post, I want to expand on it here. In chapter twenty, “Natural Law and Divine Law: The Objective … What’s So Great about <I>What’s So Great about Christianity?</I>