Month: February 2014

Another Gem from Pat Robertson

What do you get when you have a Pat Roberston, a camera, and a conversation about gay sex? You get this: Video Link I know Pat Robertson doesn’t represent all or even most theists, but I found this commentary about the clip pretty funny. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Do Christian Apologists Spend Too Much Time Focusing on their Weaker Opponents?

Refuting the “New Atheists” is all the rage among Christian apologists these days. Among professional philosophers of religion, however, it’s well-known that the new atheists are not the best representatives for atheism. So why do Christian apologists continue to harp on the new atheists and ignore what atheist professional philosophers of religion have to say? Do Christian Apologists Spend Too Much Time Focusing on their Weaker Opponents?

Apologist Bingo!

Hemant Mehta blogs about this clever, funny way to combat an apologist: LINK ETA: I love one of the comments in the combox at that site: I’m giggling at the thought of an audience member jumping up in the middle of the talk and shouting “Bingo!” Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)