Month: July 2013

Oxford University Professor Charles Foster Supports a Craig-Lowder Debate

Oxford University Professor Charles Foster is the author of The Jesus Inquest, a very even discussion of the arguments for and against the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. Foster discusses the arguments in The Empty Tomb extensively in his book. Foster has stated I would make a worthy debate opponent for WLC.  In his own words: Richard: you mention Oxford University Professor Charles Foster Supports a Craig-Lowder Debate

Response to Randal Rauser’s response to my response to his shoddy review…

Randal Rauser has responded to my suggestion that his review of my book Believing Bullshit was pretty shoddy (though not as shoddy as Martin Cohen’s in the THES). Go here. Understandable, I suppose. By combining selective quotation, misdirection and quite a lot of bluster, Rauser is quite successful at generating the impression I have been Response to Randal Rauser’s response to my response to his shoddy review…

Did Jesus Exit? – Part 11

I will now take a brief break from answering the 44 questions about Mark, Q, M, and L. For your reading enjoyment, I bring you John Crossan’s brief defense of the historicity of the crucifixion of Jesus: Jesus’ death by execution under Pontius Pilate is as sure as anything historical can ever be. For, if Did Jesus Exit? – Part 11

Did Jesus Exit? – Part 10

In my previous post on this topic, I argued that we need to answer 44 specific questions in order to come up with fact-based initial evaluation of Bart Ehrman’s Seven Gospels Argument (SGA). The first question is whether Mark (one of the seven sources that Ehrman points us to) confirms the following attribute claim: A1. Did Jesus Exit? – Part 10