Month: January 2013

Ordination of Women Priests

I find it fascinating to follow in-house disagreements among Christians, such as the disagreement about whether women can be ordained as priests. At First Things, David Mills blogs about a video entitled, “Ordain a Lady.” This led me to do a search on the topic, “Why won’t the Catholic church ordain women?” That led me Ordination of Women Priests

Ontology 101 part 2

The following three criteria can be used to generate a set of categories of kinds of entities: C1. Is this entity a natural entity? C2. Is this entity able to affect nature? C3. Is this entity a person? I modified the second criterion slightly, to avoid dragging in a fourth criterion: (C2*)  Is this entity Ontology 101 part 2

Ex-Apologist on Craig’s “Holy Spirit Epistemology”

This isn’t brand new; I just saw it mentioned on EA’s post listing his favorite posts of 2012 and I don’t remember seeing this before. EA criticizes Michael Martin’s objections to Craig’s Holy Spirit epistemology and then offers his own objection. LINK Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)