Atheistic Criticism of Atheistic Scholarship
Here are several examples of criticism of atheistic scholarship, by fellow atheists.
Keith Augustine:
- “Moral Subjectivism Revisited” (1998): A rebuttal to Theodore Schick, Jr.’s “Is Morality a Matter of Taste?”
Julian Baggini:
Richard Carrier:
- “Did Jesus Exist? Earl Doherty and the Argument to Ahistoricity” (2002): This is a critical review of “The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ? Challenging the Existence of an Historical Jesus,” by Earl Doherty. (Canadian Humanist Publications: Ottawa, Canada; revised edition, 2000).
- “Kersey Graves and “The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors” (2003): Carrier explains some of the essential reasons to distrust the information in The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors by Kersey Graves.
- “Lawyer vs. Theologian: The Tabash-Craig Debate” (2001): Carrier reviews the VHS tape of the debate between famous Christian apologist William Lane Craig and noted atheist activist Eddie Tabash. The subject was sweeping: Secular Humanism or Christianity – which is true? The conclusion was far from decisive. Lessons are to be learned from the mistakes made by both sides.
Paul Draper:
- “Probabilistic Arguments from Evil”: This is a critique of versions of the evidential argument from evil by William Rowe and Michael Martin.
Graham Oppy:
- “On Some Alleged Consequences Of ‘The Hartle-Hawking Cosmology’” (1997): In a recent article, Quentin Smith argues that ‘the Hartle-Hawking Cosmology’ is inconsistent with classical theism. Oppy argues that a central premise in Smith’s argument is incoherent.
Mark Vuletic:
- “Response to Massimo Pigliucci’s Review of The Design Inference” (1999): “Pigliucci’s ‘review’ reads for the most part like an extended diatribe against the intelligent design (i.e. creationist) movement.”