Month: March 2012

Pressure on secularism

I don’t know if secularism was ever as much a consensus position as we sometimes think. But I do think it’s weaker today. Consider some recent examples of conservative religious pushback against even rather mild secularist political positions. First, the United States. Take a look, if you can, at “In Defense of Religious Freedom A Pressure on secularism

Messianic Prophecy – Update

On my own blog, I have begun examining eight alleged Messianic prophecies, presented by Peter Stoner in his book Science Speaks. I have reached a conclusion about the first of the prophecies and will share that here. For supporting arguments and details, you can read the posts at my blog. According to Peter Stoner, Micah Messianic Prophecy – Update

Conservative anti-science

Chris Mooney has an interesting post, citing recent research by Gordon Gauchat that shows a noticeable decline in trust in science among political conservatives in the United States, over the past few decades. There isn’t much that I know of in this sort of research that would help me estimate what the contribution of conservative Conservative anti-science

Swinburne’s Case for God – Part 4

Does the utterance of the words ‘God exists’ amount to a meaningful utterance? Does this utterance express a statement?  Two considerations support the claim that this is a meaningful utterance:1. ‘God exists’ is a grammatical sentence.2. The word ‘exists’ has an established meaning. The main question to consider is whether the word ‘God’ has a Swinburne’s Case for God – Part 4

More secular (and obnoxious, and stupid) Millennials

I’ve been looking at some social psychology research concerning the so-called “Millennial” generation, in their twenties today. (I figure it doesn’t hurt to know more about my students.) Often, the research finds that the Millennials are an obnoxious, shallow, and stupid bunch. (OK, that’s my take on it. But basically, reading the survey results, my More secular (and obnoxious, and stupid) Millennials

Swinburne’s Case for God – Part 2

The purpose of the first of five phases of Swinburne’s case for God is to show that the statement ‘God exists’ makes a coherent factual (logically contingent) statement.  He thinks he has accomplished this in his book The Coherence of Theism (revised edition, hereafter: COT) for a somewhat pared-down concept of God, that he calls a ‘contingent Swinburne’s Case for God – Part 2

Secular Scandinavia

Well, I’m back from my trip to Norway and Sweden, and when you add this to my previous trip to Denmark, I can now pretend to be an expert on all things Scandinavian. Still, I did have a chance to ask locals (humanities and social science types, mostly) about whether the Scandinavian reputation for secularity Secular Scandinavia