Month: June 2008

US Religious Landscape Survey

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has just come out with Part 2 of their massive US Religious Landscape Survey. Their description of the results: The survey finds that most Americans have a non-dogmatic approach to their faith; for example, most do not believe their religion is the only way to salvation. The US Religious Landscape Survey

Lunatic “science” textbooks

Every now and then I’m reminded that there’s this strange parallel world of religiously driven “science” education. One example that recently came my way is the The Quest for Right series of texts, advertising itself as “the ultimate marriage between an in-depth knowledge of biblical phenomena and natural and physical sciences.” Apparently, “physical science” opposes Lunatic “science” textbooks

Tu Quoque Apologetics

I don’t think that philosophical defenders of theism could ply their trade without employing tu quoque arguments. The use of this device in defense of theistic doctrine goes back at least to Bishop Berkeley. When atheist astronomer Edmund Halley (famous for his comet) charged that the doctrines of Christianity are incomprehensible, Berkeley composed The Analyst Tu Quoque Apologetics

ReachMD radio appearance

ReachMD, an XM radio channel appealing to medical professionals, is running an interview with me this week. It’s a 13 minute “Book Club” segment, talking about Science and Nonbelief. You can listen to it online. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Fremouw article

Take a look at Ed Fremouw’s short article, “Science and Religion: A Personal Synthesis,” in The Compass, the online newsletter of The Jefferson Center. When I search for a label to identify my spiritual perspective, my literal self suggests “scientific rationalist” or at least, without equivocation, “natural materialist.” With at least equal comfort, however, I Fremouw article

On Point of Inquiry

I just did another interview with Point of Inquiry, the podcast associated with the Center for Inquiry. This one centers on my book Science and Nonbelief, which came out in a low-price paperback edition a few months ago. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)