Month: November 2007

Infidel publishing in Turkey

The publisher of the Turkish translation of Richard Dawkins’s The God Delusion might run into trouble, due to an obnoxious Turkish law against insulting religious sentiments. Since I have a Turkish background, and I have written books critical of supernaturalism in general and Islam in particular, I often get questions about whether my stuff will Infidel publishing in Turkey

Quantum magic

One unfortunate consequence of being a physicist is that occasionally someone inclined toward New Age spirituality will tell me “how nice, I’m very interested in quantum physics, as a matter of fact.” Even worse possibilities lie in wait if I happen to mention that I teach quantum mechanics, because invariably, the reason for this deep Quantum magic

Whence Physical Laws?

In a recent New York Times opinion piece, physicist and Templeton Laureate Paul Davies revisits an age-old question: “The most refined expression of the rational intelligibility of the cosmos is found in the laws of physics, the fundamental rules on which nature runs. The laws of gravitation and electromagnetism, the laws that regulate the world Whence Physical Laws?


Taner’s post on the argument that the “laws of logic” require a transcendent ground (i.e., God) understandably dismissed that argument. It is silly. However, it is the kind of silliness that has just enough of a plausible ring to it to give it rhetorical impetus. So, to prevent it from doing mischief, it is good GOD AND THE “LAWS OF LOGIC”

Establishing liberal religion?

Some intelligent design proponents have begun to object to the way the relationship between biological evolution and religion is presented, when public funds and institutions afre involved. Their argument is that when defenders of evolution argue that evolution presents no challenge to religion, they favor liberal over conservative religon. This is not religiously neutral. Intelligent Establishing liberal religion?


Was Tony Flew’s “conversion” book ghost written by a religious apologist? It wouldn’t surprise me at all. Pious frauds and forgeries have a long history, dating back at least to the Donation of Constantine. But, really, what does it matter if Flew did convert to some form of deistic belief? Many atheists, including yours truly, L’AFFAIRE FLEW

Talks in the Los Angeles area

I’ll be giving two talks on “Science and Religion in Islam” in the Los Angeles area, on Sunday November 18. See the CFI-Los Angeles web site for more details. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Another Flew over the cuckoo’s nest

Anyone interested in a more complete picture on Antony Flew’s recent book, which he didn’t write, should take a look at Richard Carrier’s analysis “Antony Flew’s Bogus Book.” This gets more and more interesting. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Pollitt on “Islamofascism”

As far as I’m concerned, Katha Pollitt is the best columnist in the United States. This would be true even if she weren’t an outspoken critic of religion. In the most recent Nation, Pollitt writes on “David Horowitz, Feminist?”. It’s on how US right-wingers exploit the position of Muslim women, in the context of the Pollitt on “Islamofascism”