The Hidden Imam
In his speech before the United Nations last fall, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prayed that Allah (God) might usher in the era of the “Hidden Imam.” It was a curious remark that at the time I filed away and resolved to research later. Well, it’s later. The “end times” to be precise, for the Hidden … The Hidden Imam
The Possibility of Proving the Non-Existence of Something
In a recent blog entry, theistic philosopher William Vallicella criticizes a statement made by psychologist Paul Vitz, in which Vitz asserted that it is “intrinsically impossible” to “prove the non-existence of anything.” As Vallicelli correctly points out: “But surely there are things whose nonexistence can be proven. The nonexistence of a round square can be … The Possibility of Proving the Non-Existence of Something