Critical Thinking

Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 5: The Gap Between Phase 1 and Phase 2

Here is my version of Geisler’s first argument in Phase 2 of his case for God:   ARGUMENT #1 OF PHASE 2   10a. Only a being with great power could create the whole universe by itself, and only a being with great power could sustain the existence of the whole universe by itself  (for even just one moment).   11a. There is a being that Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 5: The Gap Between Phase 1 and Phase 2

Farewell to Dr. Richard Paul

I recently received the following email with the sad news that Dr. Richard Paul had died this summer at the end of August. Richard Paul was my favorite professor of philosophy at Sonoma State University. He was a dynamic lecturer,  a terrific mentor, and a leading theorist and advocate of critical thinking.  Learning from him Farewell to Dr. Richard Paul