Cases for God

Feser’s Case for God – Part 2: Chunking Up the Aristotelian Argument

THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ARISTOTELIAN ARGUMENT In Chapter 1 of Five Proofs of the Existence of God (hereafter: FPEG),  Edward Feser presents his Aristotelian argument for the existence of God.  This is the most important argument in the book, because the other four arguments presented by Feser in later chapters all have a significant dependency Feser’s Case for God – Part 2: Chunking Up the Aristotelian Argument

Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 5: The Gap Between Phase 1 and Phase 2

Here is my version of Geisler’s first argument in Phase 2 of his case for God:   ARGUMENT #1 OF PHASE 2   10a. Only a being with great power could create the whole universe by itself, and only a being with great power could sustain the existence of the whole universe by itself  (for even just one moment).   11a. There is a being that Geisler’s Five Ways – Part 5: The Gap Between Phase 1 and Phase 2

Geisler’s First Argument

Norman Geisler’s case for God appears to consist of five arguments for the existence of God. Here is my critique of the opening paragraph of Geisler’s case, and my critique of his first argument for the existence of God: ====================== NOTE: I forgot that my plan was to put my posts on cases for God Geisler’s First Argument