
What is Faith? – Part 2

What does the word “faith” mean?  According to my dictionary (The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd College Edition), the word “faith” has several different meanings:  Definition 1:  A confident belief in the truth, value, trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. Definition 2:  Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. Definition 3:  Loyalty What is Faith? – Part 2

Swinburne’s Argument from Religious Experience – Part 3

Previously, I have only considered the very simple case where one person has a memory of having previously had a theistic religious experience (hereafter: TRE) of a generic sort–an experience in which it seemed (epistemically) to him/her that God was present.  There were a couple of basic points made about probable inferences in contrast to Swinburne’s Argument from Religious Experience – Part 3

Swinburne’s Argument from Religious Experience – Part 2

Richard Swinburne’s argument from religious experience (AFR) as given in The Existence of God (2nd ed.- hereafter: EOG) is based on three key epistemological  principles: EXPERIENCE …(in the absence of special considerations), if it seems (epistemically) to a subject that x is present (and has some characteristic), then probably x is present (and has that characteristic)… (EOG, p. 303) Swinburne’s Argument from Religious Experience – Part 2

Faith and the End of PoR

John Loftus has advocated the End of Philosophy of Religion as a discipline.  In his post defending this proposal, Loftus repeatedly talks about “faith”. The word “faith” occurs 23 times in the post, and it occurs in 7 out of the 13 paragraphs that constitute the post.  Some paragraphs have multiple references to “faith”: It Faith and the End of PoR

Next Year

I wanted to retire this year, but that did not work out.   I might be able to retire a year from now, though. There are a number of topics from this year that I plan to carry over into 2015: 1. The End of PoR? John Loftus has argued that public colleges and universities Next Year