
God, Guns, and School Shootings

Ten dead and ten injured in a high school shooting, but Texas Governor Greg Abbott believes “the problem is not guns, it’s hearts without God.” The problem with Governor Abbott’s theory is that it doesn’t fit the facts. For example, California has a larger population (39.5 million) than Texas does (28.3 million), so one would God, Guns, and School Shootings

Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 7: Dynamic Probability Objection

THE DYNAMIC PROBABILITY OBJECTION The dynamic probability objection to my reasoning about the resurrection is based on the general logic of Richard Swinburne’s case for the resurrection.  In his book The Existence of God,  Swinburne argues that various inductive arguments for God form a cumulative case that makes the existence of God “more probable than Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 7: Dynamic Probability Objection

Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 5: Multiplication of Probabilities

INTRODUCTIONIn this post I will spell out the basic logic of my current thinking about the probability of the resurrection.First, I give an example of a probability tree diagram and calculation where the events are independent of each other (coin tosses).  Next, I give an example of a probability tree diagram and calculation where the Why I Reject the Resurrection – Part 5: Multiplication of Probabilities