
McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 2: An Eternally Omnipotent Person

McDowell’s Trilemma Argument (hereafter: MTA), can be found in The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (hereafter: NETDV) by Josh McDowell (see pages 158-163). ================= …Jesus definitely claimed to be God (see below and in Chapter 6).  So every person must answer the question: Is His claim to deity true or false?   (NETDV, p.158) ================= The first McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 2: An Eternally Omnipotent Person

Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Part 5A: Various Points

Some of Hinman’s discussions about his five principles of historical investigation provide needed clarification of a principle, and some of his discussions fail to provide clarification of the relevant principle.  But even when Hinman fails to clarify one of his general principles of historical investigation, he often makes some significant or interesting points.  I will Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Part 5A: Various Points

Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Post on Part 4 Coming Soon

I have been working on understanding and evaluating Joe Hinman’s fourth argument for the existence of Jesus, and I believe my post on this subject will be ready to publish later this week.  This argument is based on alleged references to Jesus found in a book by the Jewish historian Josephus, particularly the “brother passage”, Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Post on Part 4 Coming Soon