Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Part 1: The Hallucination Theory
On the issue of the alleged resurrection of Jesus, I usually argue in defense of the Apparent Death Theory. I do this NOT because I believe that the Apparent Death Theory is true, but in order to show that, contrary to the claim of Christian apologists, the Apparent Death Theory is a viable theory, that … Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Part 1: The Hallucination Theory
Evaluation of the Christian Answer to Worldview Question #2 – Part 2: Does Sin Exist?
WHERE WE ARE There are four basic questions that can be used to analyze a worldview. In this post, I will begin to evaluate the Christian answer to worldview question #2. CHRISTIAN ANSWERS TO THE FIRST TWO WORLDVIEW QUESTIONS The following is a short version of what I take to be the Christian answers to … Evaluation of the Christian Answer to Worldview Question #2 – Part 2: Does Sin Exist?
If Jesus Rose from the Dead, then God does NOT Exist
The following are two central beliefs of Christianity: (1) Jesus is the divine Son of God. (2) God raised Jesus from the dead to show that (1) is true. If (1) is FALSE, then that implies that (2) is FALSE as well. If Jesus was NOT the divine Son of God, then God would NOT … If Jesus Rose from the Dead, then God does NOT Exist
Does God Exist? Part 4: Engage in Religious Activities
In my humble opinion, the question “Does God exist?” is best answered by taking a ride on the PHILOSOPHY BUS: We should answer this question by means of philosophical investigation, especially by critical examination of philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God. However, this is NOT the only way to approach the question … Does God Exist? Part 4: Engage in Religious Activities
The Complete FAILURE of Peter Kreeft’s Case for the Resurrection – Part 2: MANY Skeptical Theories
WHERE WE ARE In Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA), Peter Kreeft identifies FIVE Theories concerned about “what really happened in Jerusalem on that first Easter Sunday…” : 1. Christianity: “the resurrection really happened” 2. Hallucination: “the apostles were deceived by a hallucination” 3. Myth: “the apostles created a myth, not meaning … The Complete FAILURE of Peter Kreeft’s Case for the Resurrection – Part 2: MANY Skeptical Theories
The Complete FAILURE of Peter Kreeft’s Case for the Resurrection – Part 1: Three Serious Problems
FIVE THEORIES ABOUT JESUS’ ALLEGED RESURRECTION In Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA), Peter Kreeft identifies Five Theories concerned about “what really happened in Jerusalem on that first Easter Sunday…” : 1. Christianity: “the resurrection really happened” 2. Hallucination: “the apostles were deceived by a hallucination” 3. Myth: “the apostles created a … The Complete FAILURE of Peter Kreeft’s Case for the Resurrection – Part 1: Three Serious Problems
Defending the Swoon Theory – INDEX
OVERVIEW In Chapter 8 of his book Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA), Peter Kreeft (and his co-author Ronald Tacelli), makes a case for the resurrection of Jesus. He does so by attempting to “refute” or “disprove” four skeptical theories that are alternatives to the Christian view that God raised Jesus from the dead: Hallucination: … Defending the Swoon Theory – INDEX
Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 22: Swoon Theory Implies Other False Theories
WHERE WE ARE Kreeft provides six sub-arguments in Objection #7. Three sub-arguments are given to support the key premises (B), (C), and (D), and in Part 20 I showed that those three sub-arguments FAIL to establish either (B) or (C) or (D), giving us three good and sufficient reasons to conclude that Objection #7 FAILS. … Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 22: Swoon Theory Implies Other False Theories
Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 21: More Evaluation of Objection #7
WHERE WE ARE In Part 20 of this series of posts I showed that Kreeft’s three sub-arguments supporting key premises (B), (C), and (D) of his core argument constituting Objection #7 (against the Swoon Theory) all FAIL, and that the failure of just one of those three sub-arguments is sufficient reason to conclude that Objection #7 … Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 21: More Evaluation of Objection #7
Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 20: Evaluation of Objection #7
WHERE WE ARE In Chapter 8 of his Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA), Peter Kreeft has raised nine objections against The Swoon Theory, as part of his case attempting to prove that Jesus rose from the dead. In previous posts I have argued that his Objection #1, Objection #2, Objection #3, Objection #4, Objection #5, Objection #6, and Objection #8 all FAIL as objections against The Swoon … Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 20: Evaluation of Objection #7