
The Evil God Challenge

There is a helpful post by Daniel Mocsny on the Evil God Challenge over on the Debunking Christianity website: The post includes a link to this interesting video of Stephen Law discussing the Evil God Challenge: The post by Mocsny also includes a number of other helpful links to more articles on the Evil The Evil God Challenge

Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 5: A Good Definition

WHERE WE ARE In my initial post on miracles, I analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements: IMPACT – the emotional or psychological effect of a miracle GENUS – the most general category to which a miracle belongs SPECIES – the sub-category (of the most general category) to which a miracle belongs AGENT/CAUSE – Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 5: A Good Definition

Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 4: The Element of Purpose

WHERE WE ARE I have previously analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements: In Part 1, I examined the elements of Impact, Genus, and Species. In Part 2, I examined the elements of Cause/Agent, Exception, and Baseline. In Part 3, I argued that we should eliminate the Exception and Baseline Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 4: The Element of Purpose

Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 3: Aquinas & Hume on Miracles & Nature

BASELINE AND EXCEPTION ELEMENTS I have analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven elements: Two elements found in most definitions are what I call the “Baseline” and “Exception” elements: BASELINE – the ordinary or normal circumstances from which a miracle departs EXCEPTION – the way in which a miracle departs from ordinary or normal Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 3: Aquinas & Hume on Miracles & Nature

Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 2: Agent, Exception & Baseline

WHERE WE ARE In my initial post, I analyzed eight definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements. I am not satisfied with any of these definitions, so in my previous post I began to evaluate these definitions to make clear the problems I see with them. In this current post, I will continue Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 2: Agent, Exception & Baseline

Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 1: Impact, Genus, and Species

WHERE WE ARE In my previous post, I analyzed eight definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements. I am not satisfied with any of these definitions, and in this post I will evaluate these definitions to make clear the problems I see with them. In a later post, I will attempt to construct Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 1: Impact, Genus, and Species

Posts from 2023 by Bradley Bowen

He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 1: Jesus was a Refugee? He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 2: Jesus Supported Women’s Equality? He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 3: A Bait-and-Switch Jesus Key Topics and Bibliographies TOPICS for Future Posts Thinking Critically about the Christian Worldview Three Posts from 2023 by Bradley Bowen

Dawkins’ FAILURE to Refute Aquinas

In his book The God Delusion (hereafter: TGD), Richard Dawkins ends the second chapter (“The God Hypothesis”) with these words: …before proceeding with my main reason for actively disbelieving in God’s existence, I have the responsibility to dispose of the positive arguments for belief that have been offered through history. TGD, First Mariner Books edition Dawkins’ FAILURE to Refute Aquinas