The Evil God Challenge
There is a helpful post by Daniel Mocsny on the Evil God Challenge over on the Debunking Christianity website: The post includes a link to this interesting video of Stephen Law discussing the Evil God Challenge: The post by Mocsny also includes a number of other helpful links to more articles on the Evil … The Evil God Challenge
The Meaning of the Word “Miracle”: INDEX
In my initial post on the word “miracle”, I analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements: In Part 1 of this series of posts, I argued that the element of IMPACT should be eliminated from definitions of “miracle”. I also suggested that the requirements in the GENUS and SPECIES elements of the definition by … The Meaning of the Word “Miracle”: INDEX
Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 5: A Good Definition
WHERE WE ARE In my initial post on miracles, I analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements: IMPACT – the emotional or psychological effect of a miracle GENUS – the most general category to which a miracle belongs SPECIES – the sub-category (of the most general category) to which a miracle belongs AGENT/CAUSE – … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 5: A Good Definition
Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 4: The Element of Purpose
WHERE WE ARE I have previously analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements: In Part 1, I examined the elements of Impact, Genus, and Species. In Part 2, I examined the elements of Cause/Agent, Exception, and Baseline. In Part 3, I argued that we should eliminate the Exception and Baseline … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 4: The Element of Purpose
Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 3: Aquinas & Hume on Miracles & Nature
BASELINE AND EXCEPTION ELEMENTS I have analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven elements: Two elements found in most definitions are what I call the “Baseline” and “Exception” elements: BASELINE – the ordinary or normal circumstances from which a miracle departs EXCEPTION – the way in which a miracle departs from ordinary or normal … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 3: Aquinas & Hume on Miracles & Nature
Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 2: Agent, Exception & Baseline
WHERE WE ARE In my initial post, I analyzed eight definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements. I am not satisfied with any of these definitions, so in my previous post I began to evaluate these definitions to make clear the problems I see with them. In this current post, I will continue … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 2: Agent, Exception & Baseline
Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 1: Impact, Genus, and Species
WHERE WE ARE In my previous post, I analyzed eight definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements. I am not satisfied with any of these definitions, and in this post I will evaluate these definitions to make clear the problems I see with them. In a later post, I will attempt to construct … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 1: Impact, Genus, and Species
Analysis of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”
There are many different definitions for the word “miracle”, and I am not happy with any of them. So, I’m going to examine a number of different definitions, analyze them, and then (in later posts) evaluate them, and try to come up with a definition that does not suffer from the problems that I see … Analysis of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”
Posts from 2023 by Bradley Bowen
He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 1: Jesus was a Refugee? He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 2: Jesus Supported Women’s Equality? He Doesn’t FREAKING Get Us – Part 3: A Bait-and-Switch Jesus Key Topics and Bibliographies TOPICS for Future Posts Thinking Critically about the Christian Worldview Three … Posts from 2023 by Bradley Bowen
Dawkins’ FAILURE to Refute Aquinas
In his book The God Delusion (hereafter: TGD), Richard Dawkins ends the second chapter (“The God Hypothesis”) with these words: …before proceeding with my main reason for actively disbelieving in God’s existence, I have the responsibility to dispose of the positive arguments for belief that have been offered through history. TGD, First Mariner Books edition … Dawkins’ FAILURE to Refute Aquinas