
I Don’t Care – Part 2

OK. Maybe I care just a little bit. I summarized my complaint against Aquinas’ Five Ways this way (in response to a comment from Jeff Lowder): I’m just pointing out that (a) NONE of the Five Ways is an argument for the existence of God as it stands (in the section called “Whether God Exists?”), I Don’t Care – Part 2

I Don’t Care

Thomas Aquinas pulled a classic BAIT-AND-SWITCH move in Summa Theologica:  “Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, moved by no other; and this everyone understands to be God.” “Therefore it is necessary to admit a first efficient cause, to which everyone gives the name of God.”  “Therefore we cannot but admit the existence I Don’t Care

Does God Exist? Part 2

Here is a third option for breaking down the question “Does God exist?” (click on the image below to get a clearer view of the chart): This is a variation on Option 2 (see the previous post in this series). In this analysis I stick with the process of simply adding on divine attributes to Does God Exist? Part 2

What is Christianity? Part 8

I have a cognitivist view of religions, and of Christianity in particular. 1.  Christianity is something that can be true (or false). 2. An experience is NOT something that can be true (or false). 3. A feeling is NOT something that can be true (or false). 4. A commitment is NOT something that can be What is Christianity? Part 8

Does God Exist? Part 1

The overarching question for my ten-year plan is: Is Christianity true or false? After I clarify this overarching question, the first major question to investigate is this: Does God exist? I will, of course, at some point need to address the traditional arguments for the existence of God (ontological, cosmological, teleological, and moral arguments).  But I Does God Exist? Part 1

What is Christianity? Part 7

In the previous post in this series,  I argued that the Christian apologist James Sire makes a fundamental mistake in his book Naming the Elephant, by defining “a worldview” as being a kind of commitment.  A worldview is something that can be true (or false), but a commitment is NOT something that can be true What is Christianity? Part 7

My Posts for 2015

My Blog Posts for 2015 FAITH (17 posts) Jesus on Faith (6 posts) Leap of Faith & Lessing’s Ditch (2 posts) What is Faith? (9 posts) THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS (31 posts) – see also: WILLIAM LANE CRAIG The Logic of the Resurrection (7 posts) Jesus: True Prophet or False Prophet? (5 posts) The Slaughter My Posts for 2015

What is Christianity? Part 6

Evangelical Christians buy T-shirts and bumper stickers that proclaim this slogan: Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship with Jesus Christ. The problem with this slogan is that a relationship is NOT the sort of thing that can be true (or false): 1. If Christianity is a relationship, then Christianity is true What is Christianity? Part 6