Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Wrapping up the Debate
Josh McDowell and various life events have distracted me from the debate with Joe Hinman about the external evidence for the existence of Jesus. (Sorry for the delay, Joe.) I wrote an introductory post about the debate: Introduction to the Debate Hinman presented five arguments for the existence of Jesus based on external (non-biblical) evidence: … Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Wrapping up the Debate
McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 5: The Creator of the Universe
McDowell’s Trilemma Argument (hereafter: MTA), can be found in The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (hereafter: NETDV) by Josh McDowell (see pages 158-163). The first key premise of MTA is this: None of the canonical Gospels report Jesus as having asserted the claim “I am God” nor the claim “Jesus of Nazareth is God” nor the claim … McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 5: The Creator of the Universe
McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 4: An Eternally Perfectly Morally Good Person
McDowell’s Trilemma Argument (hereafter: MTA), can be found in The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (hereafter: NETDV) by Josh McDowell (see pages 158-163). The first key premise of MTA is this: None of the canonical Gospels report Jesus as having asserted the claim “I am God” nor the claim “Jesus of Nazareth is God” nor the claim … McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 4: An Eternally Perfectly Morally Good Person
McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 3: An Eternally Omniscient Person
McDowell’s Trilemma Argument (hereafter: MTA), can be found in The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (hereafter: NETDV) by Josh McDowell (see pages 158-163). The first key premise of MTA is this: There is no good reason to believe that Jesus claimed to be God. None of the canonical Gospels report Jesus as having asserted the claim “I … McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 3: An Eternally Omniscient Person
McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 2: An Eternally Omnipotent Person
McDowell’s Trilemma Argument (hereafter: MTA), can be found in The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (hereafter: NETDV) by Josh McDowell (see pages 158-163). ================= …Jesus definitely claimed to be God (see below and in Chapter 6). So every person must answer the question: Is His claim to deity true or false? (NETDV, p.158) ================= The first … McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 2: An Eternally Omnipotent Person
McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 1: An Eternally Bodiless Person
Here are the basic premises of McDowell’s Trilemma Argument (hereafter: MTA), from The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (hereafter: NETDV by Josh McDowell: ================= …Jesus definitely claimed to be God (see below and in Chapter 6). So every person must answer the question: Is His claim to deity true or false? This question deserves a … McDowell’s Trilemma – Part 1: An Eternally Bodiless Person
Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Parts 5B and 5C
Joe Hinman’s fifth argument for the existence of Jesus based on external evidence is presented in two sections of his post on the Web of Historicity: 5B. Big Web of Historicity 5C. Jesus Myth Theory Cannot Account for the Web The fifth argument for the existence of Jesus can be summarized in terms of a … Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Parts 5B and 5C
Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Part 5A: Five Principles
Joe Hinman’s fifth argument for the existence of Jesus is presented in three sections: 5A. Historical Methods 5B. Big Web of Historicity 5C. Jesus Myth Theory Cannot Account for the Web I will comment on, and raise objections to, points in each of these three sections, but this post will only cover part of the … Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Part 5A: Five Principles
Has the Journal Philo Died?
I’ve heard privately from several philosophers that they submitted articles and heard nothing for months. It’s been years since a new issue of the journal came out. If you go to the journal’s new website, there is now a statement that “Philo is no longer accepting submissions.” I have no inside information about what may … Has the Journal <I>Philo</I> Died?
Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Part 2
======================== NOTE: This post is now complete, as of 11:25 pm pacific time on Saturday, July 2, 2016. ======================== The first sentence of Joe Hinman’s argument from the external evidence of Papias makes a very dubious claim: Papias was the student of the Apostle John. By this, Hinman means that Papias had personal, face-to-face conversations … Debate: External Evidence for Jesus – Part 2