
Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 10: The “Blood and Water” Objection

WHERE WE ARE AT In Part #6 through Part #9, I have argued that Peter Kreeft’s “Break their Legs” objection, Objection #2 against The Survival Theory (TST),  is a complete FAILURE. Objection #2 has two main components, and can be summarized like this: 1. A Roman soldier decided to NOT break Jesus’ legs while Jesus was hanging Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 10: The “Blood and Water” Objection

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 9: More Problems with Objection #2

WHERE WE ARE AT Kreeft’s Objection #2 (the “Break their Legs” objection) against The Survival Theory (hereafter: TST) has at least three problems: PROBLEM 1:  Roman Soldiers were NOT Medical Doctors PROBLEM 2:  The Same Passage Implies the Soldiers were NOT Sure Jesus was Dead PROBLEM 3:  The Key Historical Claims Made by Kreeft are Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 9: More Problems with Objection #2

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 8: Problems with the “Break their Legs” Objection

WHERE WE ARE AT In Part 7 of this series, I presented Peter Kreeft’s “Break their Legs” Objection (i.e., Objection #2) against the swoon theory, and, more properly, against The Survival Theory (hereafter: TST).   I pointed out three significant problems with Objection #2: PROBLEM 1:  Roman Soldiers were NOT Medical Doctors PROBLEM 2:  The Same Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 8: Problems with the “Break their Legs” Objection

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 7: The “Break their Legs” Objection

Peter Kreeft’s Objection #2 against the Survival Theory (TST) is based on a dubious passage from the 4th Gospel: The fact that the Roman soldier did not break Jesus’ legs, as he did to the other two crucified criminals (Jn 19:31-33), means that the soldier was sure Jesus was dead. Breaking the legs hastened the death Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 7: The “Break their Legs” Objection

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 6: Objections Based on the 4th Gospel

WHERE WE ARE AT In this series of posts I will defend the Survival Theory (TST) against the nine objections that Peter Kreeft puts forward in Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA).   Kreeft’s nine objections to TST can also be found in an online article at the Strange Notions website. Kreeft mistakenly takes Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 6: Objections Based on the 4th Gospel

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 4: The ‘Where Did Jesus Go?’ Objection

WHERE WE ARE AT In this series of posts I will defend the Survival Theory (TST) against the nine objections that Peter Kreeft puts forward in Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA).   Kreeft’s nine objections to TST can also be found in an online article at the Strange Notions website. Kreeft mistakenly takes Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 4: The ‘Where Did Jesus Go?’ Objection

Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 3: The Deadliness of Roman Crucifixion

In this series of posts I will defend the Survival Theory (TST) against the nine objections that Peter Kreeft puts forward in Chapter 8 of Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA).   Kreeft’s nine objections to TST can also be found in an online article at the Strange Notions website. (NOTE: Kreeft mistakenly takes aim at the Defending the Swoon Theory – Part 3: The Deadliness of Roman Crucifixion