

In the 2016 Election, nearly 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump. While nearly 66 million Americans voted for Hillary Clinton, Trump won the election, because he received 306 electoral college votes, while Hillary Clinton received 232 electoral college votes.[1][2] My thinking, in response to that election, goes like this: 1. Anyone who voted for OUR IDIOCRACY & DEMOCRACY

Trump CLEARLY LOST the Debate

ONE REASON why Donald Trump clearly lost the debate with Joe Biden, is that Trump lost on the single most important issue of the whole debate: WHO WAS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES? Biden claimed that Trump was the worst president that we have ever had, and Biden made a Trump CLEARLY LOST the Debate

How Many Skeptical Theories about the Resurrection of Jesus?

A DILEMMA IMPLIES THERE ARE ONLY TWO KINDS OF SKEPTICAL THEORIES When Christian apologists discuss skeptical theories about the alleged resurrection of Jesus, they often think in terms of an old dilemma between the disciples of Jesus being either DECEIVED or DECEIVERS. According to Christian apologists, Jesus’ eleven remaining disciples (the twelve minus Judas Iscariot) How Many Skeptical Theories about the Resurrection of Jesus?