TRUMP’S LIES and the LYING LIARS Who Tell Them
We used to have Al Franken to point out many of the lies of the BIG FAT IDIOTS on the right (e.g. Rush Limbaugh) and the of the LYING LIARS (e.g. Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, and more recently the snivelling racist shithead Tucker Carlson). Franken is still pointing out the lying liars, but … TRUMP’S LIES and the LYING LIARS Who Tell Them
Careful Analysis of More Objections to the Swoon Theory: INDEX
I have previously done a careful analysis of nine objections against the Swoon Theory presented by the Christian apologists Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (1994; hereafter: HCA): More recently, I have done a careful analysis of six more objections to the Swoon Theory presented by other Christian apologists, objections … Careful Analysis of More Objections to the Swoon Theory: INDEX
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #12 (Paul’s Conversion)
WHERE WE ARE The Christian apologists Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli presented nine objections against the Swoon Theory in their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (published in 1994). I have carefully analyzed those nine objection and then carefully evaluated them. I concluded that each of those nine objections against the Swoon Theory FAIL. So, Kreeft and Tacelli FAILED to … Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #12 (Paul’s Conversion)
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: INDEX
In Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli claim to prove the Christian view that God raised Jesus from the dead and gave Jesus an immortal body. Their case for the resurrection of Jesus can be briefly summarized in a two-premise argument: 1. IF Kreeft and Tacelli refuted the … Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: INDEX
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #8 (Where Did Jesus Go?)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an … Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #8 (Where Did Jesus Go?)
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #1 (Deadliness of Roman Crucifixion)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an … Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #1 (Deadliness of Roman Crucifixion)
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #9 (Swoon Theory Implies False Theories)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an … Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #9 (Swoon Theory Implies False Theories)
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #7 (Who Moved the Stone?)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an … Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #7 (Who Moved the Stone?)
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #6 (Who Overpowered the Guards?)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an … Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #6 (Who Overpowered the Guards?)
Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #5 (The Sickly Jesus Objection)
WHERE WE ARE Careful argument evaluation is the heart and soul of critical thinking. But in order to do a careful evaluation of an argument, one must first have a clear understanding of the argument that is to be evaluated. Careful argument analysis is usually required in order to obtain a clear understanding of an … Careful Analysis of Objections to the Swoon Theory: Objection #5 (The Sickly Jesus Objection)