Aquinas and Homosexual Sex – Part 3: Unclear Argument
WHAT ARE THE KEY TERMS IN THE CORE ARGUMENT IN PFA? In Part 2 of this series, I argued that the core argument in PFA (“Defending the Perverted Faculties Argument” by Timothy Hsiao) is the following categorical syllogism: 4. All sexual activity that is not open to the creation of new life is immoral. A. … Aquinas and Homosexual Sex – Part 3: Unclear Argument
Aquinas and Homosexual Sex – Part 2: Argument Structure
A THOMIST ARGUMENT AGAINST HOMOSEXUAL SEX The argument that I will now analyze (and evaluate later) comes from an article by Timothy Hsiao published in The Heythrop Journal in 2015: “A Defense of the Perverted Faculty Argument against Homosexual Sex” (hereafter: PFA). The main argument is summarized in section III of the article. Here are … Aquinas and Homosexual Sex – Part 2: Argument Structure
Aquinas and Homosexual Sex – Part 1: A Thomist Argument
BACKGROUND Back in August, I posted a meme on my personal Facebook page that challenged the Christian argument that sex between two men is morally wrong because this is allegedly prohibited in the Old Testament book called Leviticus. The basic objection in the meme is that there are several things that Leviticus prohibits that Christians seem to have no moral … Aquinas and Homosexual Sex – Part 1: A Thomist Argument
Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 10: Internal Contradictions
WHERE WE ARE In Part 8 of this series , I presented some general points in support of my fourth reason for doubting the view that we should condemn homosexual sex as morally wrong because it is (allegedly) condemned in the book of Leviticus: 4. Leviticus is NOT an historically reliable account of actual events. In Part … Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 10: Internal Contradictions
Evaluation of the Christian Answer to Worldview Question #1
In this post I’m going to give you the Reader’s Digest version of my Podcast #6 (and the PowerPoint that it is based upon). THE FOUR BASIC WORLDVIEW QUESTIONS There are four basic worldview questions, four questions that can be used to analyze the content of a worldview: Q1. What are the most important problems … Evaluation of the Christian Answer to Worldview Question #1
Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 8: False Historical Claims
WHERE WE ARE In this present post I will support my fourth reason for doubting the view that we should condemn homosexual sex as morally wrong because it is (allegedly) condemned in the book of Leviticus: 4. Leviticus is NOT an historically reliable account of actual events. God, if God exists, is all-knowing and perfectly … Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 8: False Historical Claims
Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 7: Not Written by Moses
WHERE WE ARE Should we view homosexual sex as morally wrong because it is (allegedly) condemned in the book of Leviticus? In Part 1 of this series I outlined a dozen reasons to doubt this viewpoint. Here is the first reason: 1. God does NOT exist, so no prophet and no book contains truth or wisdom … Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 7: Not Written by Moses
Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 6: NOT a message from God
WHERE WE ARE Should we view homosexual sex as morally wrong because it is (allegedly) condemned in the book of Leviticus? In Part 1 of this series I outlined a dozen reasons to doubt this viewpoint. Here is the first reason: 1. God does NOT exist, so no prophet and no book contains truth or wisdom … Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 6: NOT a message from God
Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 5: More Reasons for Skepticism about God
WHERE WE ARE Should we view homosexual sex as morally wrong because it is (allegedly) condemned in the book of Leviticus? In Part 1 of this series I outlined a dozen reasons to doubt this viewpoint. Here is the first reason: 1. God does NOT exist, so no prophet and no book contains truth or … Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 5: More Reasons for Skepticism about God
Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 1: Outline of My Reasons for Doubt
Recently, I posted a meme on my personal Facebook page that challenged the Christian argument that sex between two men is morally wrong because this is allegedly prohibited in the Old Testament book called Leviticus.The basic objection in the meme is that there are several things that Leviticus prohibits that Christians seem to have no … Leviticus and Homosexuality – Part 1: Outline of My Reasons for Doubt