
Does God Exist? Part 2

Here is a third option for breaking down the question “Does God exist?” (click on the image below to get a clearer view of the chart): This is a variation on Option 2 (see the previous post in this series). In this analysis I stick with the process of simply adding on divine attributes to Does God Exist? Part 2

Does God Exist? Part 1

The overarching question for my ten-year plan is: Is Christianity true or false? After I clarify this overarching question, the first major question to investigate is this: Does God exist? I will, of course, at some point need to address the traditional arguments for the existence of God (ontological, cosmological, teleological, and moral arguments).  But I Does God Exist? Part 1

Moreland: Christians are biased, but less biased than naturalists

(redating post originally published on 14 January 2006) According to Christian philosopher J.P. Moreland (as paraphrased by Melinda Penner), Christians are biased, but they are less biased than naturalists. In Melinda’s own words: when a Christian deals with issues like science and faith, or the historicity of the Gospels, it’s fair to say that he’s Moreland: Christians are biased, but less biased than naturalists

My Posts for 2015

My Blog Posts for 2015 FAITH (17 posts) Jesus on Faith (6 posts) Leap of Faith & Lessing’s Ditch (2 posts) What is Faith? (9 posts) THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS (31 posts) – see also: WILLIAM LANE CRAIG The Logic of the Resurrection (7 posts) Jesus: True Prophet or False Prophet? (5 posts) The Slaughter My Posts for 2015

What is Christianity? Part 6

Evangelical Christians buy T-shirts and bumper stickers that proclaim this slogan: Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship with Jesus Christ. http://www.christianapparelshop.com/p-526-christianity-is-not-a-religion-christian-t-shirt.aspx? The problem with this slogan is that a relationship is NOT the sort of thing that can be true (or false): 1. If Christianity is a relationship, then Christianity is true What is Christianity? Part 6

What is Christianity? Part 5

In his book The Universe Next Door (IVP, 3rd edition, 1997; hereafter: TUND), James Sire speaks of worldviews as things that can be true: …I am convinced that for any of us to be fully conscious intellectually we should not only be able to detect the worldviews of others but be aware of our own–why it What is Christianity? Part 5

What is Christianity? Part 4

I think of Christianity as being a worldview. But what is a worldview? How should we analyze and compare and evaluate worldviews? There are different ways of understanding and analyzing worldviews, so before I defend my cognitivist view of religions, I should make an attempt to clarify the concept of “a worldview” that I plan What is Christianity? Part 4

What is Christianity? Part 2

One objection to my cognitivist view of religion and Christianity is this popular little bit of stupidity: “Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship with Jesus Christ.” I have three initial responses to this statement: (1) read your freaking bible, (2) read your freaking dictionary, and (3) use your freaking brain. 1. READ What is Christianity? Part 2

What is Christianity? – Part 1

Since I am planning to invest the next ten years (or more) of my life in an effort to investigate and answer the question “Is Christianity true or false?”,  I need to start out by clarifying and defining the word “Christianity”. There are those who would argue that Christianity is not the sort of thing that What is Christianity? – Part 1