
I Don’t Care – Part 6

Aquinas is often thought of as a rigourously logical and systematic thinker.  This is only half-true.  There is a good deal of vaguness, ambiguity, and illogical thinking in his book Summa Theologica, as far as I can see. Here is a cautionary note from a philosopher who is an expert on Aquinas: From the concept of I Don’t Care – Part 6

For Victor Reppert: The Metaethical Objections to Craig’s Moral Argument Which His Sophisticated Critics Use, But Craig Never Acknowledges in Debate Opening Statements

(Redated post originally published on 21 June 2012) This is a quick follow-up to my last reply to Victor Reppert. The title of Reppert’s post is, “The Moral Argument that Christians don’t use, but atheists always rebut.” In reply, we can point to “The Metaethical Objections to Craig’s Moral Argument Which His Sophisticated Critics Use, For Victor Reppert: The Metaethical Objections to Craig’s Moral Argument Which His Sophisticated Critics Use, But Craig Never Acknowledges in Debate Opening Statements

I Don’t Care – Part 5

The famous Five Ways passage by Aquinas in Summa Theologica does not contain five arguments for the existence of God. Rather, it contains ZERO arguments for the existence of God.  There is actually only one argument for the existence of God in the Summa Theologica, and the reasoning in the Five Ways passage only represents a I Don’t Care – Part 5

Summary and Assessment of the Craig-Draper Debate on the Existence of God (1998)

(Redated post originally published on 15 October 2011) This is a another very old debate summary, which I wrote back in 1998. I have made some minor changes. SUMMARY AND ASSESSMENT OF THE CRAIG-DRAPER DEBATE: DOES GOD EXIST? (1997) United States Military Academy at West Point Note: the audio of this debate may be heard Summary and Assessment of the Craig-Draper Debate on the Existence of God (1998)

Summary of the Craig-Price Debate on Jesus’ Resurrection (1999)

(Redated post originally published on 16 October 2011) This is yet another old debate summary from my archives. I’m not sure when I wrote this, but I’m guessing it was between 1999 and 2002. THE CRAIG-PRICE DEBATE: DID JESUS RISE FROM THE DEAD? The Veritas Forum Ohio State University, 1999 Curiously, the audiocassettes do not Summary of the Craig-Price Debate on Jesus’ Resurrection (1999)