Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 2: Agent, Exception & Baseline
WHERE WE ARE In my initial post, I analyzed eight definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements. I am not satisfied with any of these definitions, so in my previous post I began to evaluate these definitions to make clear the problems I see with them. In this current post, I will continue … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 2: Agent, Exception & Baseline
Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 1: Impact, Genus, and Species
WHERE WE ARE In my previous post, I analyzed eight definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements. I am not satisfied with any of these definitions, and in this post I will evaluate these definitions to make clear the problems I see with them. In a later post, I will attempt to construct … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 1: Impact, Genus, and Species
Analysis of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”
There are many different definitions for the word “miracle”, and I am not happy with any of them. So, I’m going to examine a number of different definitions, analyze them, and then (in later posts) evaluate them, and try to come up with a definition that does not suffer from the problems that I see … Analysis of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”
Another Reason Why Peter Kreeft’s Case for the Resurrection of Jesus FAILS
In Chapter 8 of their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (hereafter: HCA), Christian philosophers Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli make a case for the resurrection of Jesus, and they claim to PROVE that Jesus rose from the dead. Here is a summary of their case: 1. IF Kreeft and Tacelli refuted the four alternative (skeptical) theories, THEN … Another Reason Why Peter Kreeft’s Case for the Resurrection of Jesus FAILS
Gary Habermas is the Leading Defender of the Resurrection of Jesus
I have long thought that Dr. Gary Habermas was the best defender of the alleged resurrection of Jesus. The recent publication of two large volumes by Habermas on this issue demonstrates that my previous opinion was correct. No 21st-century skeptic can reasonably claim to have cast serious doubt on the resurrection of Jesus without dealing … Gary Habermas is the Leading Defender of the Resurrection of Jesus
The Jewish Talmud and the Death of Jesus
In Chapter 7 of the book I’m currently working on (Thinking Critically about the Resurrection of Jesus: The Resuscitation of the Swoon Theory), I critically examine some objections against the Swoon Theory by various Christian apologists. The Swoon Theory claims (roughly) that Jesus survived his crucifixion and this led his disciples to mistakenly conclude that … The Jewish Talmud and the Death of Jesus
An Attempt to Repair Gary Habermas’ “Paul’s Conversion” Objection to the Swoon Theory
WHERE WE ARE In Chapter 7 of the book I’m currently working on (Thinking Critically about the Resurrection of Jesus: The Resuscitation of the Swoon Theory), I argue that an objection by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona to the Swoon Theory FAILS. The Swoon Theory is, roughly, the skeptical view that Jesus survived his crucifixion … An Attempt to Repair Gary Habermas’ “Paul’s Conversion” Objection to the Swoon Theory
An Attempt to Repair William Craig’s “Jewish Thought” Objection to the Swoon Theory
WHERE WE ARE In Chapter 6 of the book I’m currently working on (Thinking Critically about the Resurrection of Jesus: The Resuscitation of the Swoon Theory), I argue that William Craig’s objections to the Swoon Theory FAIL. One of Craig’s objections asserts that Jewish Thought in the first century would have prevented Jesus’ disciples from … An Attempt to Repair William Craig’s “Jewish Thought” Objection to the Swoon Theory
Religion and Dishonesty
In the book I’m currently working on (Thinking Critically about the Resurrection of Jesus: The Resuscitation of the Swoon Theory) I examine several objections to the Swoon Theory (roughly the skeptical view that Jesus was crucified but survived his crucifixion and that this led to the belief that God raised Jesus from the dead). One … Religion and Dishonesty
INDEX: Luke’s UNRELIABLE Passion Story
This INDEX contains links to my blog posts in a series about the historical unreliability of the Passion Narrative in the Gospel of Luke. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)