Stephen Law

The Monty Hall Problem – Part 1

This post is off topic, but there are math and logic buffs out there who might enjoy a discussion of the Monty Hall problem, and I’m hoping to get some feedback on some thoughts I have about a standard solution to the problem. Fig Leaf JustificationAtheists and Naturalists are a minority group. Most people in The Monty Hall Problem – Part 1

Three Million Ways to Analyze the Word ‘God’

Assume there are only four possible divine attributes: powerknowledgefreedomgoodness Each of the above attributes can occur in four degrees: humansuperhumanperfecteternally perfectThere can be 14 different combinations of acceptable degrees for each attribute: Four combinations with just one acceptable degree (e.g. only ‘perfect’ knowledge is acceptable).Six combinations with just two acceptable degrees (e.g. either ‘superhuman’ or Three Million Ways to Analyze the Word ‘God’

American Ignorance

Growing Number of Americans Say Obama is a Muslim“A new national survey by the Pew Research Center finds that nearly one-in-five Americans (18%) now say Obama is a Muslim, up from 11% in March 2009. Only about one-third of adults (34%) say Obama is a Christian, down sharply from 48% in 2009. Fully 43% say American Ignorance

Jesus: Struck by Lightning

The insurance company is bound to claim this was an act of God.

Why Defend Atheism?

The main reason I think that atheism is worth defending stems from my conviction that truth and rational belief are very important goods that are worth defending. In fact, they are both intrinsically and instrumentally valuable goods; ones that people in general have a fundamental drive to assert and defend. Whether this drive amounts to Why Defend Atheism?

Martin Gardner 1914–2010

Martin Gardner died at age 95 on Saturday, May 22nd. “This past weekend the world darkened with the loss of one of its brightest lights: Martin Gardner, polymath extraordinaire, founding father of the modern skeptical movement, and a friend. R.I.P. Martin.” – Michael Shermer Interview of Martin Gardner by Michael Shermer: NY Times Obituary:;=Martin%20Gardner&st;=cse

Hitler on Faith

“This human world of ours would be inconceivable without the practical existence of a religious belief. The great masses of a nation are not composed of philosophers. For the masses of the people, especially faith is absolutely the only basis of a moral outlook on life. The various substitutes that have been offered have not Hitler on Faith

Perceiving Moral Truths? Part 2

Here is an example of moral reasoning that appears to illustrate the theistic theory of ethics and moral reasoning proposed by Dianelos Georgoudis: 1. God is kind and loving. (directly perceived truth about God’s moral character)2. An action is morally good if and only if it makes the moral character of the person performing the Perceiving Moral Truths? Part 2

A Not-So-Good Friday

Sorry, but I cannot let this Good Friday pass by without making a comment on my favorite topic: the resurrection of Jesus. I am uniquely qualified to write about Good Friday, because, unlike most human beings, I have been crucified. Actually, technically, I crucified myself. That probably sounds horrific, or at least a bit kinky, A Not-So-Good Friday