Keith Parsons

Religious Minimalism

This is an interesting article that I find largely congenial: I do wonder what the authors mean by “humility,” which is an attitude they recommend for both believers and non-believers. Humility is a Christian virtue, and it has its positives and negatives. On the positive side, a dose of humility can be a fine corrective Religious Minimalism

Amazon Review of my Hell Essay

Someone named James D. Zimmerman has reviewed the volume The End of Christianity, edited by John Loftus (Prometheus; 2011) on Amazon. I found this paragraph especially interesting: So, “many Christian denominations have long since dispensed with hell?” I wonder which ones these are. Catholics? The Greek Orthodox? Southern Baptists? Here is what the Greek Orthodox Amazon Review of my Hell Essay

Hume’s Beautiful Argument

In two of my classes this term we have been reading Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Whenever I read his Section X, “Of Miracles,” I am once again struck by the beauty, simplicity, and the power of his argument. Oceans of ink have been spilled by philosophers commenting on this argument, and many of Hume’s Beautiful Argument

Geisler and Scholarship

If found it highly risible that Norman Geisler would criticize fellow apologist Licona for “bad scholarship.” A few years ago Geisler published a critique of the volume The Empty Tomb edited by Jeff Lowder and Bob Price. His critique of my contribution (criticizing Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli on the hallucination argument) was so spectacularly Geisler and Scholarship


I was alerted to this by a friend who is a Methodist minister. And the United Methodists have a reputation for being one of the more open and progressive denominations. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Jesusween to Replace Halloween

Glad to see that they are putting the “fun” back in fundamentalism. Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Kansas Outlaws Evolution

Once again, the Onion proves that one belly laugh is worth a thousand syllogisms.,2098/ Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional)

Probabilities and Ultimate Posits

Victor Reppert has a short essay on his Dangerous Idea blog on the use of probability arguments in the philosophy of religion. Here I would like to offer my own take on the question. A principle often invoked by theists making probability arguments is what Robin Collins calls the “prime principle of confirmation (PPC),” which Probabilities and Ultimate Posits

Dumb and Dumber

I notice that the recent posts on SO have taken a turn towards the political. Nothing wrong with that. These days religion and politics have been so thoroughly mixed that it is hard to talk about one without the other. This is especially so when candidates for high office loudly tout their religious affiliations and Dumb and Dumber

Two Executions

This post is a follow-up on the “Pro Choice and Pro Life” posting of Herb Silverberg. Herb’s thoughtful reflections have added to SO’s offerings, and I am surprised that they have not drawn more comments. Yesterday there were two executions, one in Texas and one in Georgia. In Texas, Lawrence Brewer was executed. In 1997, Two Executions