James Still

Kansas Course Correction

In December 2005, Judge Jones struck a blow against the Intelligent Design (ID) movement in Dover, PA (Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District). Perhaps just as important as the decision itself was the public reaction to it at the polling booth. Locals in Dover overwhelming “threw out the bums” and voted in moderate Kansas Course Correction

Da Vinci Code

My curiosity got the better of me and I went to see the Da Vinci Code last night. I hadn’t planned to go because the critics have been near universal in saying how horrible they thought it was. I’m glad I didn’t listen to them. It was a fantastic movie. Sure it was standard Hollywood Da Vinci Code

Pat “Superman” Robertson

The freakometer reached category 6 with the announcement on Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) that Pat Robertson can leg-press 2,000 pounds. The site claims that Robertson’s superhuman strength in “keeping his energy high and his vitality soaring is his age-defying protein shake.” The recipe for this magical potion is available for download on the site. Has Pat “Superman” Robertson

Prayer Rally to Lower Gas Prices

Just when you thought Christianity’s penchant for the bizarre had exhausted itself comes news from UPI that a group calling itself “Pray Live” organized a D.C. prayer rally to lower gasoline prices. According to the story “various Christian clergy from around the country” met last Thursday and prayed to resolve the energy crisis. I wonder Prayer Rally to Lower Gas Prices

Pupils Confused

Students are confused by creation “science” teaching according to the Royal Society in the UK. True, and as long as we’re speaking about the obvious let me add that pigs still can’t fly.

Pat Robertson: Stone Cold Fresh

Pat Robertson has a new book out and you know what that means: asking about the sex lives of women he just met. Rita Braver of CBS News interviewed Robertson on April 9 (the transcript is available here). First, Robertson tells a whopper about a woman who was “stone cold dead” and raised back to Pat Robertson: Stone Cold Fresh

Gospel of Judas Found

For those of us interested in ancient Christianity, the National Geographic Society has announced a new manuscript find. Those don’t happen everyday (or even every decade) so it’s pretty exciting news. The text is of the gospel genre, written in Coptic around 300 CE like those found at Nag Hammadi, and is entitled Gospel of Gospel of Judas Found

Transitional Fossil Announced

According to a story published in today’s New York Times, scientists have discovered a “missing link” between fish and land mammals. The transitional fossils are “so clearly an intermediate ‘link between fishes and land vertebrates,’ they said, that it‘might in time become as much an evolutionary icon as the proto-bird Archaeopteryx,’ which bridged the gap Transitional Fossil Announced