Jesus was NOT a Rabbi
In the Gospels, Jesus is sometimes called “Rabbi”: 50 Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.51 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”52 “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight … Jesus was NOT a Rabbi
Careful Argument Analysis of William Craig’s Deceptive-Jesus Objection to the Swoon Theory
THREE OBJECTIONS TO THE SWOON THEORY FROM WILLIAM CRAIG In his book The Son Rises (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1981; hereafter: TSR), the Christian apologist William Craig raises three objections against the Swoon Theory: Craig’s Objection #1: Jesus’ Physical InjuriesCraig’s Objection #2: The Deceptive Jesus ObjectionCraig’s Objection #3: The Sickly Jesus Objection Craig’s Objection #3 … Careful Argument Analysis of William Craig’s Deceptive-Jesus Objection to the Swoon Theory
DRAFT Chapters from: Thinking Critically about the Resurrection of Jesus
I have completed a DRAFT (10 chapters) of my upcoming book: Thinking Critically about the Resurrection of JesusVolume 1: The Resuscitation of the Swoon Theory I am making DRAFT versions of the first six chapters of my book available to you. The primary focus of this book is on the case for the resurrection of … DRAFT Chapters from: Thinking Critically about the Resurrection of Jesus
NT and Jesus Scholars on the Alleged Trial before Pilate
In his book The Son Rises, the Christian apologist William Craig raises three objections against the Swoon Theory: Craig’s Objection #1: Jesus’ Physical InjuriesCraig’s Objection #2: The Deceptive Jesus ObjectionCraig’s Objection #3: The Sickly Jesus Objection Craig makes dozens of historical claims in support of Objection #1, but fails to provide historical evidence in support … NT and Jesus Scholars on the Alleged Trial before Pilate
Jesus Scholars on the Alleged Jewish Trial of Jesus
In his book The Son Rises, the Christian apologist William Craig raises three objections against the Swoon Theory: Craig’s Objection #1: Jesus’ Physical InjuriesCraig’s Objection #2: The Deceptive Jesus ObjectionCraig’s Objection #3: The Sickly Jesus Objection Craig makes dozens of historical claims in support of Objection #1, but fails to provide historical evidence in suppor … Jesus Scholars on the Alleged Jewish Trial of Jesus
Eyewitness Testimony is Unreliable
WHERE WE ARE In a series of posts about the Hallucination Theory (the view that Jesus’ disciples had experiences of the risen Jesus because they had hallucinations of Jesus), one key point that I argued for is that eyewitness testimony is unreliable. This point is also of general relevance to the question: Did God raise … Eyewitness Testimony is Unreliable
The Meaning of the Word “Miracle”: INDEX
In my initial post on the word “miracle”, I analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements: In Part 1 of this series of posts, I argued that the element of IMPACT should be eliminated from definitions of “miracle”. I also suggested that the requirements in the GENUS and SPECIES elements of the definition by … The Meaning of the Word “Miracle”: INDEX
Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 5: A Good Definition
WHERE WE ARE In my initial post on miracles, I analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements: IMPACT – the emotional or psychological effect of a miracle GENUS – the most general category to which a miracle belongs SPECIES – the sub-category (of the most general category) to which a miracle belongs AGENT/CAUSE – … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 5: A Good Definition
Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 4: The Element of Purpose
WHERE WE ARE I have previously analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven different elements: In Part 1, I examined the elements of Impact, Genus, and Species. In Part 2, I examined the elements of Cause/Agent, Exception, and Baseline. In Part 3, I argued that we should eliminate the Exception and Baseline … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 4: The Element of Purpose
Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 3: Aquinas & Hume on Miracles & Nature
BASELINE AND EXCEPTION ELEMENTS I have analyzed eight different definitions of the word “miracle” into seven elements: Two elements found in most definitions are what I call the “Baseline” and “Exception” elements: BASELINE – the ordinary or normal circumstances from which a miracle departs EXCEPTION – the way in which a miracle departs from ordinary or normal … Evaluation of Definitions of the Word “Miracle”- Part 3: Aquinas & Hume on Miracles & Nature