DRAFT Chapters from: Thinking Critically about the Resurrection of Jesus
I have completed a DRAFT (10 chapters) of my upcoming book:
Thinking Critically about the Resurrection of Jesus
Volume 1: The Resuscitation of the Swoon Theory
I am making DRAFT versions of the first six chapters of my book available to you.
The primary focus of this book is on the case for the resurrection of Jesus made by Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli in their Handbook of Christian Apologetics (HCA). Their case can be summarized in just three claims:
- IF Kreeft and Tacelli refuted the four alternative (skeptical) theories, THEN Kreeft and Tacelli have proved that the Christian Theory of the resurrection of Jesus is true.
- Kreeft and Tacelli refuted (in Chapter 8 of HCA) the four alternative (skeptical) theories.
- Kreeft and Tacelli have proved that the Christian Theory of the resurrection of Jesus is true.
They raise objections to each of four skeptical theories. In my book, I focus on their nine objections against the Swoon Theory.
In Chapters 3, 4, and 5, I show that each of their nine objections to the Swoon Theory FAIL, and thus that their attempt to refute the Swoon Theory FAILS.
I am giving you access to DRAFT versions of those three chapters, so that you can see that they have FAILED to refute the Swoon Theory, and thus that premise (2) of their case is FALSE.
Those three chapters of my book are sufficient to show that their case for the resurrection of Jesus is UNSOUND and FAILS.
I critically examine premise (1) of their case, in a later chapter, and I show that premise (1) is also FALSE. So, my book will show that both of the premises of their case for the resurrection of Jesus are FALSE, and thus that their case is a complete and utter FAILURE.
I am also providing you with access to DRAFT versions of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, because those chapters present my view of critical thinking, and my guidance on how to think critically about this issue.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
CHAPTER 2: Careful Argument Analysis
CHAPTER 3: Objections to the Swoon Theory Based on the Gospel of John
CHAPTER 4: Objections to the Swoon Theory Based on Other Gospels
CHAPTER 5: Objections to the Swoon Theory NOT Based on the Gospels
In chapter 6, I go beyond the objections raised by Kreeft and Tacelli, and examine three objections against the Swoon Theory by the Christian apologist William Craig:
CHAPTER 6: Three Objections to the Swoon Theory by William Craig