How to Save Our Democracy

The best and simplest way to save our democracy is to prevent Donald Trump and his Project 2025 Christian Fascist thugs from taking control of the presidency. If we can get Kamala Harris elected in November, then we can prevent the Christian Fascists from destroying our democracy and our country.

However, the race for the presidency is currently too close for comfort, so we need to have a backup plan.

There is significant evidence that Donald Trump accepted a Ten Million dollar bribe from the dictator of Egypt:

So, we have a strong backup plan that can be implemented, but Democrats must take action NOW for the backup plan to have any hope of success.

The statute of limitations has run out on the potential criminal charge against Trump of accepting an illegal campaign contribution of ten million dollars from a foreign government. So, Congress has FAILED in its duty to act as a Check-and-Balance against the Administrative branch of government.

However, Congress can make up for this failure by taking action NOW, and issuing subpoenas for witnesses to testify before Congress about this alleged bribe. Donald Trump, his adult children, and the highest ranking members of his presidential campaign (in 2016), and White House staff members (in 2017) should all be issued subpoenas and grilled by Congress while under oath about this alleged bribe from the dictator of Egypt.

If Trump did indeed accept a ten million dollar bribe, then anyone who LIES to Congress while testifying under oath answering questions about this alleged bribe will be subject to criminal prosecution. There will be no issue of a statute of limitations on the act of LYING under oath to Congress.

It is likely that Trump did accept a ten million dollar bribe from the dictator of Egypt. Exposing this crime NOW would (a) likely prevent Trump from being elected as president in November, and (b) if Trump was elected president in November, Congress would be in a good position to start Impeachment proceedings as soon as Trump becomes president, assuming that the Congressional investigation produces significant evidence showing that Trump did accept a bribe from the dictator of Egypt.

Once removed from office, Trump and/or his adult children and his highest-ranking campaign officials (in 2016) and his White House staff (in 2017) could be charged with the crime of LYING under oath to Congress, if they testified that there was no such bribe accepted by Trump.