Say, just as a matter of interest, can anybody tell me who or what determines which ads are displayed when we look at Secular Outpost? I have been getting one that says “Liberty University: Training Champions for Christ since 1971.” It has a faint image of someone who seems to be having an orgasm. Is it kind of peculiar that an atheist site would be carrying ads for fundamentalist schools (Liberty was founded by Jerry Falwell)? Also, there is one ad saying that three people have unfriended me on Facebook. (I’m crushed, utterly) Another ad shows a young woman wearing socks, panties, and a T-shirt reading “Meh.” Now I’m old, not dead, so I do not object too strenuously to the depiction of a young woman partially undressed. However, I do wonder why such an ad is displayed in such a venue as SO. Anybody buying “Meh” T-shirts out there? Just curious.