Matt DeStefano

Atheist Persecution

“According to its survey of some 60 countries, the seven where expression of atheist views or defection from the official religion can bring capital punishment are Afghanistan, Iran, Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan.”LINK

Learning and Grief

In preparing to teach a class for the first time, I’ve been reading past posts on the blog In Socrates’ Wake (which is a great resource!). I came across a posted titled “Learning as a process of grieving”, which quotes a part of the Wikipedia entry on the Kubler-Ross Model: I don’t know that all truth Learning and Grief

Nagel’s “Mind and Cosmos” Reviewed by Michael Weisberg & Brian Leiter

“We conclude with a comment about truth in advertising. Nagel’s arguments against reductionism are quixotic, and his arguments against naturalism are unconvincing. He aspires to develop “rival alternative conceptions” to what he calls the materialist neo-Darwinian worldview, yet he never clearly articulates this rival conception, nor does he give us any reason to think that Nagel’s “Mind and Cosmos” Reviewed by Michael Weisberg & Brian Leiter